Tamara Blazquez Haik: Creative Response: Emotion

Meet Tamara Blazquez Haik…

When Tamara was five, her father gave her a polaroid camera and she obsessively photographed all the things she loved, including Nature. Now, as a and wildlife photographer, Tamara combines art and science to create captivating profiles of species in her native Mexico, and champions individuals and communities working to protect them.

We selected Tamara to be a champion as her photos, and the stories they tell, bring people closer to Nature, illuminating the unseen, and presenting familiar species in a new light. In an area where levels of illiteracy are high, her photos, workshops and talks reach audiences traditionally less exposed to environmental outreach and education.

We’re delighted to have Tamara respond creatively to the Pathway of emotion through her masterful lens and thoughtful vision. Enjoy delving into this collaborative photo-collage…

“Nowadays you can find many posts, videos and content on social media and other platforms about reconnecting to our emotions. However, little is mentioned about the emotions that arise within ourselves when we reconnect with Nature.

When in Nature, emotions like inner peace, fulfillment and hope are rekindled in ourselves but so are emotions like purpose, courage to stand for wildlife and ecosystems, tenderness, respect, empathy and compassion for other earthlings. These are some of the more raw emotions in human beings, greatly connected to life on our planet.

As such, with this collage, I hope to stir these emotions in you, to rekindle your feelings for Nature, for protecting and caring for it, for standing up for it, for loving it. Remember, we are a part of Nature, and Nature is a part of us.” ~ Tamara Blazquez Haik


Thank you Tamara for sharing this thoughtful work, and for inspiring us all to reflect on our own emotional connection to Nature.

Dive deeper in colour…

Explore Tamara’s work and follow along below…

Deepen your own connection to Nature — dive into the emotion pathway…

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