In Conversation with Tamara Blazquez Haik

June’s ReWild Yourself Champion is award winning wildlife photographer and presenter, Tamara Blazquez Haik, based in Mexico City.

Tamara’s journey in photography began when she received her first camera from her father aged six years old, but her love of the natural world has always been there. In this interview, she recalls how Nature has always felt like ‘home’ and explains how her wonder for other living things led instinctively to commit her photography practice to celebrating Nature. She’s also super passionate about changing the landscape of access to Nature for those of lower economic status.

Tamara shares with us her tips for beginning in photography, the magic of seeing the unseen, and how the smallest details can create the most impact. During June, we’re exploring the Beauty Pathway of Nature Connection, so it was brilliant to find out how even without the need for fancy equipment, photography can tell a story so powerful it can have huge changes on people’s perspectives an beliefs about Nature.

We loved this interview with Tamara, especially when she talks of her favourite places, scenery and the critters she’s loved to capture during her career. We hope it inspires you to create some magic with a camera soon, too.


Watch separate clips from the interview below.

Visit Tamara’s ReWild Yourself Champion Profile to watch the full interview and find links to other content and information.

Tamara’s Connection to Nature

It’s no secret that access to Nature is widely different depending on where you live, the financial backing of local governments and councils, your background of race, gender, religion. Tamara is so passionate about changing this – here she shares the ways in which we can put pressure on local authorities to help bridge the gap. She also talks through the benefits of connecting with Nature on our physical and mental health, which is something we all intrinsically need.

Tamara Blazquez Haik on Learnings from Wildlife Photography

Did you know that light has different colours? Did you think Wildlife Photography requires scientific skills of researching and understanding their habitats, routines, diets, and more?

Tamara explains her journey of trying to protect Nature and specific local species by educating people and making them fall in love with the animals, like she has. 

Tamara Blazquez Haik on Photography Tips and Tricks

Here’s some priceless guidance from a National Geographic award winning photographer on how to begin if you’re a budding artist. From basic equipment to college degrees, the tiniest details and larger landscape shots – here’s what she would advise.

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