
Increase Access

to Nature

We believe access to Nature is a human right, and everyone should have equitable access to Nature regardless of age, race, gender and socioeconomic status. ReWild Yourself project aims to make access to Nature equal for everyone.

Experience Connection

with Nature

By reconnecting with Nature we reconnect with ourselves — our wild human spirit (beyond social structures and socialisation of norms). Nature is a profound teacher and healer, and the benefits of time in Nature, and more importantly, a FEELING of connection with Nature, are extensive and well documented.

Inspire interest

in Nature

Nature is our playground. Our camps, partners and projects help rekindle the curiosity for Nature we have as children. We aim to inspire a reconnection with our natural world through personal experiences – listening, learning and interacting with Nature.

Expand Inclusion

in Nature

Through the ReWild Yourself community we seek to bring awareness and support to help bridge the large gap in representation and access to Nature for some groups; especially minorities, young adults, urban and suburban residents.

Amplify Voices

of ‘next generation’ leaders and changemakers

It is our goal with ReWild Yourself to focus and shine a light on all of the global grass root organisations, local leaders and youth voices that are working everyday to create equitable access to Nature. Through their voices we believe that real change and connection to Nature can happen.

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