#ITTRWY #Meaning #Nature Connection

Finding Meaning: Tips from Tatiana Lopez

Meet Tatiana Lopez

Tatiana is an anthropologist, filmmaker, photographer and artist, whose visceral work explores both the spiritual and physical, making the intangible visible and encouraging a positive relationship with the natural world upon which we rely.

Her work helps people better understand concepts such as ‘sacred reciprocity’ and witsa ikichanu (good living), learned from the Sapara people of the Amazon, in her home country of Ecuador.

She is also committed to co-creation and collaborative storytelling, challenging traditional anthropological norms and creating work rich in wisdom, born from shared experience. Tatiana collaborates with Tawna Cine, they are currently planning to return back to the rainforest to bring the second edition of Kanua, the first floating film festival in Ecuador, powered by solar panelled canoes, visiting communities along the Amazon.

Tips from Tatiana Lopez

 Finding meaning in our natural connections and surroundings.

Going back to our center to reconnect with Nature.


There is a huge difference between seeing Nature and contemplating Nature.

Contemplating is like an art that can guide us to connect deeper with our natural surroundings. Contemplate without judgment. Allow yourself to be immersed in what the trees, the birds, the sky, the earth, the wind, and the flowers have to show you. Paying attention to messages that Nature brings may open up a new meaning on how we relate to the Pachamama.*


Pachamama is an ancient female deity revered by the indigenous peoples of the Andes and Amazon. Translating as ‘Earth Mother’, Pachamama can be understood as ‘Mother Earth,’ a nurturing, life-giving entity with deep cultural stories and significance. Definition sources: Wikipedia, Machu Travel Peru and Journey Machu Piccu



Taking the time to sit with yourself for 15 minutes a day can significantly impact our emotional, and physical well-being.

Allow yourself to journey inside and find the creative parts that may be hidden. Use meditation as a tool to find stillness and clarity to access your true creative inspirations. Sometimes, as humans, we try to give a rational meaning to the natural world that surrounds us, but connecting with our inner selves through any type of meditation can guide us to understand that we do not need to know the reason why things are the way they are, rather we just accept them as they are and embody its teachings and lessons.

Spend time sitting under a tree

Find places where you can sit under a tree. Allow yourself to connect to its vibration and its energy.

Trees are great spiritual teachers and show us the meaning of shelter and our codependency. Trees surround our everyday lives, take advantage of the inspiration they bring you.

 Preparing nourishing meals and teas for yourself

Getting closer and appreciating the plants that sustain us creates a deeper relationship with our bodies.

Preparing nourishing meals makes our bodies healthier hence providing multi-sensory experiences. Making food can be seen as a sacred and mindful process that honours and creates a new meaning of belonging and interconnectedness with Mother Earth.

Experiment from a place of curiosity and reciprocity

Curiosity and reciprocity help us to reconnect with our roots giving meaning to our identity.

Tune in with your curiosity by opening yourself to new experiences and channeling your inner child. Engaging in creative activities in Nature that are new to us helps us deepen our curiosity. Allow yourself to create from a place of sacred reciprocity, understanding the mutual exchange between you and the world around you.

By being reciprocal you nurture the creative process cultivating a deeper connection with your practice as an artist. All inspiration comes from Nature personal experiences, tradition, language, and human connections, so give yourself the space to honour and recognise all these influences.

Create without too many expectations

Expectations can block our creativity sometimes. Allow yourself to flow in any creative process you’re embarking on.

When you create from the heart, inspiration happens. Enjoy the process from beginning to end, and don’t only think about the outcome, the joy of the process is what gives meaning to what we create and manifest in our lives.

Explore more of Tatiana’s work at the links below

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