SENSES: Ben Mirin’s Inspiration Gallery

JULY  1ST – 31ST


for the Nature Sounds Challenge
courtesy of Ben Mirin

Dawn in Talatakely

This exquisite soundscape, Dawn in Talatakely, is Track #1 on Ben Mirin’s album titled MADA. Journey into the Talatakely Rainforest in Ranomafana, Madagascar through this spectacular sound adventure — you won’t regret it.

Featuring performances by bands and artists from across the world, this natural sounds album, MADA, is a musical collaboration to save the rainforests, spiny thickets, and other iconic ecosystems of Madagascar. 

The album is available for purchase via bandcamp and all proceeds from sales will be used to support Malagasy musicians and artists whose work celebrates local wildlife.

Remixing Madagascar

Learn more about Ben’s approach and watch the Remixing Madagascar process film that follows Ben in his work as an explorer and sound artist below…

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