Photography Tips from Tamara Blazquez Haik

Meet Tamara Blazquez Haik

When Tamara was five, her father gave her a polaroid camera and she obsessively photographed all the things she loved, including Nature. Now, as a journalist and wildlife photographer, Tamara combines art and science to create captivating profiles of species in her native Mexico, and champions individuals and communities working to protect them.

We selected Tamara to be a champion as her photos, and the stories they tell, bring people closer to Nature, illuminating the unseen, and presenting familiar species in a new light. In an area where levels of illiteracy are high, her photos, workshops and talks reach audiences traditionally less exposed to environmental outreach and education. 

Photography Tips from Tamara

Any camera is a good camera, even your cellphone.

If you want to start photographing the beauty of Nature surrounding you, even your cellphone can be your ally, as well as any camera you can get your hands on.

When out in Nature, take some time to sit down on the ground, breathe and really observe your surroundings.

This will allow you to truly appreciate the beauty of Nature, find the best angles and lighting and hence, make beautiful images.

Don’t only go for photos of medium or big animals like birds or mammals, pay close attention to the little critters surrounding you…

Bees, spiders, ladybugs, beetles and other insects or small animals also make for great images!

Remember to also take some time to admire the beauty of plants and flowers!

And also, their textures! Some amazing Nature photographs only feature the texture of leaves, tree trunks, and even the ground. The beauty of Nature is all around us!

Enjoy yourself.

Making beautiful photographs is not only about the “technicalities” it is actually mostly about transmitting what you as a photographer are feeling when making your images. So be sure to have fun and enjoy what you are doing so many others can also enjoy Nature and its beauty through your passionate images.

Discover some of our favourites below…

Vulture © Tamara Blazquez Haik
Green heron © Tamara Blazquez Haik
Coyote © Tamara Blazquez Haik
Great Blue Heron © Tamara Blazquez Haik
Opossum © Tamara Blazquez Haik

Explore more of Tamara’s work at the links below

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