PARTNER FEATURE: Nature Connects

Nature Connects

People and planet need to heal together

Nature Connects Logo

Nature Connects recognises that there is only One Health and that people and planet need to heal together.  They are on a mission to rewild hearts, minds and bodies, while empowering people to take better care of the natural world, with a simple message that ‘we ARE nature.’ 

This makes them perfect partners for ReWild Yourself and we couldn’t be happier to have their support for our campaign.

Tree hugging, conection with nature


The 5 Pathways to nature connection are woven through all of Nature Connects’ work.  Whether that is their flagship six-week Woodland Wellness programme, ongoing Nature Buddies community,  Staff wellbeing sessions or partnership with the Natural Academy, delivering their training in Nature and Health facilitation.

At the heart of everything they do is nature-based wellbeing, incorporating nature connection, adult forest school, stress reduction techniques and other practices to support participants to improve their holistic wellbeing and create social connections. 

Foot on the ground


I participated in the six week Nature Connection programme in the summer of 2023. Now, I attend the Nature Buddies sessions with Sarah and Jo as often as I possibly can.

It’s been ten months since I began this journey and I can honestly say the programme has had a lasting impact on me. While before I felt hopeless and disconnected, spending days in bed unable to take care of myself, now I have two wonderful sit spots and a regular nature practice; I’ve been on foraging walks; I’m learning about our local birds and their calls; I’m developing a keen interest in herbalism; I’m learning about indigenous people and practices; I’m able to identify trees and connect with their characters; I am more passionate than ever before about climate breakdown and protecting our home; and I’m noticing what helps me to feel…better.

There are still bad days, but now I feel so much more equipped to deal with them.”

Collaborate and find out more…

Nature Connects are always keen to collaborate and build a stronger network, working together to improve our relationship to nature.


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