Capturing Nature’s Whispers – interview

In Conversation with wildlife sound recordist Mark Ferguson

As part of our focus on the Senses pathway to Nature connection this month, and for inspiration for our  Nature Sounds Challenge, we sat down with award winning wildlife recordist and artist Mark Ferguson.

We enjoyed a wide ranging chat, discussing Mark’s process and equipment, some of his favourite and most challenging recordings, as well as why he does it and what he hopes people can take from his work.

You can enjoy the full interview at the bottom of the page, or enjoy a selection of clips below.

What sounds from Nature do you record?

Mark shares details of the sorts of sounds and species he captures, including his first ever recoding and progression since then.

Why is sound such a powerful way of engaging with Nature?

Mark reflects on why sound in particular has such a distinct and special impact, forcing us to be stop, slow down and take our time.

What have been some of the most challenging recordings? What keeps you motivated?

Mark shares stories about some of the most difficult sounds to capture, the planning and dedication involved and what keeps him motivated despite these challenges.

What do you hope to achieve with your recordings?

Mark shares more about how he hopes his work can help people reconnect with Nature through his work.

What advice do you have for budding sound recordists?

Mark shares a few tips for people hoping to capture their own sound recordings. You can find more or Mark’s tips here.

What was the idea behind Walking With Bats?

Mark explains where the idea of the Walking with Bats album came from and his attempts to capture the spirit and experience of a bat walk.

What different sounds do bats make?

Bats make a variety of curious sounds, which can be detected by a bat detector. Mark talks us through a couple of the sort of sounds you are likely to hear when recording them.

What projects do you have lined up next?

Mark discusses his latest projects and hopes to champion poorly understood or culturally maligned species

Full interview with Mark Ferguson

Hear our full interview with sound recordist Mark Ferguson below.

Mark recording a bumblebee © Mark Ferguson

Explore more of Mark’s work at the links below

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