Activity Ideas: ‘Meaning’ Nature Connection Pathway
Have you completed our Natural Art Challenge? Looking for even more ideas on how to connect with Nature through Senses? Let’s dive deeper…
Each month there is a different challenge to take part in. If you haven’t taken part in our Natural Art Challenge, find out how you can participate below, but that is just the start. Through our various partners, we present a whole heap of other ideas, all with the same effect – helping you find meaning in the signs, symbols, stories and art inspired by Nature and improving your Nature Connection.
Only got 5 min to spare? We’ve got you covered…
5 min activities
Imitate an Animal (Generation Wild)
Choose an animal that you can see or that it is likely to live in the area where you are. Can you form its shape? Move like it? Sound like it? Try to put yourself into the mind of the animal. Can people guess which animal you are? Why did you choose that particular animal? What was the animal thinking and feeling?
Catch a falling leaf (Generation Wild)
If it’s autumn and you’re patient you may be able to catch a leaf falling naturally. Otherwise, take a leaf from the floor or gently remove a single leaf from a plant. Throw it in the air and watch it carefully as it falls. Can you catch it before it hits the ground?
Explore nature in arts and culture (University of Derby)
Spend ten minutes each day for five days exploring nature through arts and culture. For this activity you can make your own creations, or you can explore other’s creations. You might take photos, paint pictures, write a song, prose or poetry, create a collage, or nature-inspired embroidery. Or you could curate your own nature gallery, playlist or collection of poems and quotes
Make friends with a tree (Generation Wild)
Lie down on your back (or sit if the ground is wet) and close your eyes for one minute. How many different natural sounds can you hear? Count them on your fingers as you go.
Ready to take a little more time? Check out the ideas below.
15 min ideas
Give a tree a face (Generation Wild)
Choose your favourite tree and place natural materials on the trunk to give it a face. Leave it there for other people to see. Imagine you are the tree looking out on the world. What do you think it might have seen over the years?
Make an animal from natural materials (Generation Wild)
Choose one of your favourite animals. Can you make one using only natural materials? What materials will you use for the different parts? Which animal did you make? Why did you choose this animal?
Write using natural materials (Generation Wild)
Think of a word to do with nature. Can you create it using only natural objects? You could even make a sentence. Why did you choose that particular word? Does this word have special meaning to you?
Keep a Nature Diary (National Trust)
Keep a record of your amazing adventures in nature, capturing your memories of the animals and plants you’ve seen. It’s no. 48 on the National Trust’s list of ‘50 things to do before you’re 11¾’. Decide how you’ll record your experiences of nature: will you use words, pictures, sounds or a mixture of everything? You could even write a poem or a story about your adventures.
Make natural artwork (Wylder App)
Find an outdoor space that is wild or “untidy”. Spend some time gathering objects from the ground (leaves, stones, sticks etc.) Then start creating some artwork on the ground using these objects. It could be a circle, repeating patterns, a colour line – anything you feel drawn to. Remember, this is not a class and there is no right or wrong answer, just an opportunity to really look closely at what you discover in Nature.
Not in a rush… perfect! Try some of these…
30+ min ideas
A place in our lives (Forestry England)
Trees and forests play such a big part in our lives and often feature in stories. For example The Magic Faraway Tree, or the ‘deep dark woods’ in The Gruffalo. While sat by a tree, or back at home, create your own story about the tree or an animal that lives in it.
Enjoy our Wild Tracks Playlist (Voice for Nature)
The meaning pathway is about noticing how nature appears in songs and stories, poems, and art, and celebrating the mystery, signs, and cycles of Nature. So sit back and listen to our ReWild Yourself Wild Tracks Playlist, inspired by musician and ReWild Yourself Champion, Louis VI.
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt! (The Scouts)
Tune into your emotions and sensations with this scavenger hunt with a difference!
I wonder why (The Scouts)
While on any adventure outdoors, whether in the park, on a hike, or in a canoe, take a moment to pause. Everyone should take in their surroundings and see if anything makes them feel curious. As they look at nature, ask them to say ‘I wonder why…’ and then ask questions. They could share their questions with the rest of the group if they feel comfortable. For example, they might ask: ‘I wonder why the trees are in straight lines? I wonder why the hills are all different shapes?’

Psssst… Are you following us on Instagram yet? Head over to ReWild Yourself to join in the fun and become a member of our online community. Hit the link below – and you can even share your Nature creations!