United Nations International Days
The United Nations designates specific days throughout the year to raise awareness and promote action on various issues related to nature and the environment. There are sometimes big online events or small local events you can get involved in, and there’s always talk around these topics on social media.
Here’s some of our favourites to get involved with in the next few months:
World Wildlife Day (March 3):
World Wildlife Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and the need to combat wildlife trafficking and habitat loss. It aims to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the world’s flora and fauna while highlighting the threats facing many species.
International Day of Forests (March 21):
The International Day of Forests celebrates the vital role of forests in sustaining life on Earth. It promotes awareness of the importance of forests for biodiversity, climate regulation, and the livelihoods of millions of people. Each year, the day focuses on a specific theme related to forest conservation and sustainable management.
World Water Day (March 22):
World Water Day raises awareness about the importance of freshwater resources and the need for sustainable water management. It highlights the interconnectedness of water with ecosystems, human health, and sustainable development goals.
Earth Day (April 22):
Earth Day is observed worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection and sustainability. It serves as a reminder of the importance of taking action to address environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction. Earth Day events often include tree plantings, clean-up activities, and educational initiatives.
International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22):
The International Day for Biological Diversity highlights the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem health, human well-being, and sustainable development. It promotes conservation and sustainable use of biological resources, as well as efforts to combat biodiversity loss and habitat degradation.
World Environment Day (June 5):
World Environment Day is the United Nations’ flagship day for promoting environmental awareness and action. Each year, World Environment Day focuses on a specific environmental theme, highlighting pressing issues and encouraging individuals, communities, and governments to take positive steps towards sustainability.
**Beat Plastic Pollution Day (June 7):
Sneakily making an entry… Whilst not an official UN Day, ReWild Yourself also has a special connection to Beat Plastic Pollution Day on June 7th, which is celebrated with beach clean-ups, online advocacy and pop-up events. The team behind ReWild Yourself (Voice for Nature) started this day after their successful Plastiki adventure many years ago – see more here.
World Oceans Day (June 8):
World Oceans Day raises awareness about the importance of oceans for biodiversity, food security, and climate regulation. It encourages conservation efforts to protect marine ecosystems and reduce pollution and overexploitation of ocean resources. Events might include beach clean-ups, educational workshops, and advocacy campaigns.

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