Outdoor classrooms with SUGi & Allbirds
We believe that one of the ways we can start caring for Nature is by being close to it. Sadly, today’s kids spend a massive 44 hours a week in front of a screen and less than 10 minutes a day playing outside.
Back in November the team at Voice for Nature partnered up with SUGi Project and Allbirds for the first of our school forest plantings. SUGi partners with schools across the globe to plant ultra–dense, biodiverse forests closer to the classroom, giving the next generation a chance to enjoy nature and learn from it.
The planting in Berkley was the first of three planned ultra-dense, biodiverse micro forests at three schools in the area, to be planted using the Miyawaki method. The Miyawaki Method is one of the most effective tree planting methods for creating forest cover quickly on degraded land that has been used for other purposes such as agriculture or construction.
It has been shown that learning in nature improves a child’s behavior, helps them build stronger relationships, reduces stress and anger, and heightens curiosity. Even seeing nature from a school building fosters creative thinking and expands the imagination.
Unfortunately, access to Nature is far from equal; it’s too often dictated by factors such as where you live, your race and socioeconomic background. The hope is that these forests will be a big step forward in redressing this balance.
We would like to thank everyone at SUGi and Allbirds without whom this project would not have been possible. Visit SUGi’s website here to find out more about their amazing work and the methods they use, and stay tuned for news on our next school forest planting!

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