The Emotions pathway in action 

To better understand a pathway to nature connection, it helps to see it in action…

Here are some examples of how you can notice and seek out the feelings that Nature inspires in you.

Written in partnership with Carly Butler from the Nature Connectedness Research Group at University of Derby


Notice how you feel when you are in Nature

If you are sitting somewhere outside, or going for a walk, take a moment to see how you are feeling. You might want to check in with your emotions at the beginning and end of a moment with nature to see if there is any change. 

Notice how different aspects of Nature make you feel

How happy do you see when you notice different species of birds or butterflies? Does seeing a robin bring more joy than seeing a wood pigeon? How do you feel in woodland when compared to a field or open park? Simply tapping into your emotional response to different beings can increase a sense of wellbeing and nature connectedness.

Return your attention to Nature

If you notice your mind is elsewhere when you are in nature (i.e. thinking about work, a relationship, a tricky problem) – turn your attention to the nature around you. Can you hear any birds? Are there any flowers near you? Can you find an insect? What are the clouds like today? Can you feel a breeze? After just a few minutes of simply seeing what nature is around you, see how you feel now? Does your mind feel any lighter? Free-er?

Stressed? Take 15 minutes to tune in to Nature

Next time you are feeling stressed or worried about something, take fifteen minutes to tune into Nature. Whether sitting outside, going for a walk, or exploring virtual nature through an online video, simply spend that time noticing and appreciating Nature.

Go on an ’emotional treasure hunt’ or ‘awe walk’

Look for something in nature that makes you a) happy b) amazed c) calm d) grateful. Or go for a walk and try to invoke a sense of amazement and wonder at the natural world. You might like to imagine you are an alien and you have never seen anything on earth before, so everything is strange and weird and fascinating.

Enjoy the sky

Lie down, if you can, and watch clouds or a starry sky at night. Consider the vastness of the universe. Or consider the clouds carrying water possible evaporated from a far away ocean, travelling over thousands of miles. Think about how the same sun you see is being seen by people in other countries. Taking a few moments to consider the bigness of the world can inspire a sense of awe and wonder.

Imagine the emotional lives of other living beings

What does the gull feel as they fly overhead, or the bee as they land in a flower, or the mouse scurrying through grass or the tree as the wind moves their branches?  Consider what makes a butterfly scared? What makes a badger happy? What makes a sparrow angry?

Reflect on feelings Nature has inspired in you in the past.

Can you remember a time you were very happy in nature? When nature made you feel calm? You may like to make a list, or write in a journal about these experiences.

More activity ideas to explore the Emotions pathway….

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