#Camp #ReWild Yourself #Youth

Inside ReWild Yourself’s first youth camp in Utah

If you learn more about the environment, you’re more apt to take care of that environment

~ Darren Parry, Shoshone Leader.


ReWild Yourself is a global initiative to create experiences and opportunities that allow equitable access to Nature, regardless of age, race, gender and socioeconomic status whilst also encouraging a healing path of one’s inner nature.

We held the first experience of this kind in October of 2021 with our day camp at The Lodge at Blue Sky, a 3,500 acre ranch 40 minutes east of Salt Lake City, Utah. Joining us on the trip were 30 children from the YMCA of Northern Utah.

Our intention was to give these kids an opportunity to experience Nature and share the love of the land at The Lodge at Blue Sky through connecting with horses, the farm and the mountains, in the hope that they walk away with a deeper appreciation for the gifts of Nature and greater empathy for our environment and one another.

Upon arrival at the ranch, the children were divided into three groups and invited to participate in workshops on ethical animal husbandry, holistic horse care with the veterinarian and finally a guided exploration of the stables.

Later on, they had the opportunity to become familiar with the farm’s greenhouse and the rescue horses and chickens in residence. As Lindsey, the Director of Gracie’s Farm highlighted, “being able to allow for kids to see where food actually does come from and the appreciation of what a real carrot tastes like… its glory”.

At lunchtime, we gathered around to hear a series of talks from some inspiring speakers. First up was filmmaker Andy Laub who spoke about what it means to be an explorer and his experiences in Nature.

Following on from this we heard from indigenous speaker and historian Darren Parry, Vice Chairman of the Northwestern Shoshone Nation. He spoke about the original ways of relating to Nature, assuming harmony with the land away from screens and distractions. Moreover, he set the tone for a moment of reflection.

“Every one of us has a story worthy of being told, what is your story going to be?” he asked. “Because you can change the world”.

We would like to say a big thank you to Andy Laub for documenting the day and to support of Saving Gracies Equine Healing Foundation, The Lodge at Blue Sky and YMCA of Northern Utah for making it all possible. We would also like to thank our Founding Partners at Gucci Changemakers & Gucci Equilibrium for all their ongoing support. The ReWild Yourself youth camps will be an annual event held in different locations around the world, to learn more email rewildyourself@voicefornature.com. 

Images via Voice For Nature
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